League Rules

  1. The number ONE rule is this league is for fun. Actions deemed inappropriate by the league board members are subject to penalty. Such inappropriate actions would include but are not limited to fighting, abusive language, poor sportsmanship, general degrading either verbally or by actions before during or after league play on league night. Complaints must be submitted to the league president by Wednesday the day after the offence. The league board reserves the right to review complaints and issue penalty ranging from loss of team wins, suspensions, or ejection from the league. Penalties can be for single players, teams or bars. All issued actions by the board are final and not subject to appeal.

  2. Start time is 7:30 pm. There is a 30-minute grace period. If there is going to be a problem starting on time, the team captains must agree to a later start.

  3. Nightly fees are $10.00 per night, per player, totaling $60.00. Each team puts $6.00 dollars in the dartboard out of the $60.00 collected, leaving $54.00 to be turned in with the stats each night. Some bars in the league have machines that take .75 cents for one player of 501. On these nights, take the extra money for the board out of the collected fees. This will leave $51.00 for the envelope. The money for both teams is submitted to the league in one envelope, which is the responsibility of the home team captain. Money is non-refundable if a league member is dropped from the league by the board or if that player stops playing for any reason. (Updated 10/2023)

  4. Team rosters are limited to 9 players including the captain. The league board must approve any roster changes if a new player will be used in the post-season playoffs.

  5. Subs off the bar may be used when necessary but must be approved by both team captains PRIOR to the start of the first game. Bar subs that have not played during this season use the league average. The captain is responsible for getting the subs complete name for scoring purposes because their names will be added to the stats standings online. You must ask your bar sub if they have played on another team. If they have, they have an average in the standings. A bar sub who plays on multiple teams may not participate in the post season without the approval of the league board. Captains PLEASE make sure your bar sub knows that if he/she plays again that they will have a handicap & must use it if they play again this season. Captains, PLEASE check the player standings for the name of a person that is going to play from the bar for you before you set your line-ups and handicaps for the night.

  6. Ghost rule. If your team only has 5 members and there are no possible bar subs you may play with 5 players. One team will have only one player. That player can play in either the first or second spot on the score sheet. When it comes time for the ghost player to play the player change button must be hit, no points being scored (basically you lose that turn). The team with the ghost uses a combined handicap like the other teams only the ghost player has the league average for handicap. So for an example, if George has a 22.1 handicap & he is playing with a ghost at a league average of 17.1, his team handicap is 39.2 and the handicap difference between his average & the team he is playing average is how the games handicap score is figured automatically on the board. See the board instructions for setting up the ghost player name.

  7. 4 player rule. If your team only has 4 players and can not find any bar subs, you forfeit the nights games (0 wins & 12 losses). This match can be made up if scheduled between the two teams as long as it is approved by the league board prior to the make up game being played. Postponed games must be made up by the next week of play unless approved by the league board.

  8. All players must watch the dartboard for it to switch over after each round is complete. It is each player’s responsibility to make sure he/she is throwing darts on the correct score. As we all know, not every dartboard will automatically switch players even if it is designed that way. To avoid a problem, after you throw your darts, walk up to the board, hit the player change button & remove your darts quickly before the board switches over to the next players turn. You should not count on the dartboard to do this for you. If a player accidentally closes the game during the player change, that team loses. Contact the league president to have the standings updated to reflect the error.

  9. In the event a player throws a dart before the dartboard changes over to his/her turn, the player must throw the last two darts, and get each captain to make sure they agree with what happened & may tap the dart in. All mishaps at the board that occur must be agreed by the captains to fix. Again, if a player accidentally closes the game during the player change, that team loses. There is not a way to undo the last dart at the end of play. Contact the league president to have the standings updated to reflect the error.

  10. If you throw three darts and only two of them score but the board says you have thrown all three darts then the score stands. Darts can bounce off the board by hitting the lines between the segments, thus not scoring any points. This is part of the game. The board never lies. Both team captains must agree to discrepancies or fixes in this area.

  11. If a player from one team throws a dart that scores on the other team’s score the captains may undo the last dart using the board functions. Then the player can tap that dart in on the correct players turn & throw the last two darts. The player is not allowed to re-throw the dart. Once the decision is made, it is final and cannot be disputed.

  12. It is the captains’ responsibility to handle any & all controversy between teams, players & rules interpretations. If a decision cannot be reached among the captains, then stop play & contact a league board member at once. The league board member will make a final decision it will be final.

  13. Darts will be thrown from an 8 foot line. This line should be clearly marked. It is the team captain and bar owner/operators’ responsibility to make sure the line is clearly marked.

  14. The HOME team captain has the responsibility to drop off the final score sheet and money at the designated drop off location by Thursday that same week. NO EXCEPTIONS!

  15. Handicaps are calculated by the dartboard for league play through automatic scoring. Over the course of the season there may be some discrepancies where a player’s statistic must be updated. The beginning of the season has to recalculate the stats after a few weeks of play. If a player has a 0.0, they will need to be updated to their last season ending average or if no average is available, the league average.

  16. All league members MUST be 21 years of age or older OR accompanied by a parent or legal guardian AND have approval of the bar that he/she is going to be playing at that night The final decision for enforcing this rule belongs to the bar owner/operator. Any league member that is 20 years old or less & is caught playing in a bar without approval will be expelled from the league for the remainder of the season. PLEASE get permission from the bar first, do not take a chance on being caught.

  17. All team players and/or subs must have played in 20 or more regular season games to qualify for the playoffs. Players who were added throughout the season to replace others on the roster who will be playing in the playoffs need to be approved by the league board.

  18. All sponsor fees are due to the league by the 2nd week of play. The sponsor fees are $50 per team. The home team captain is responsible for making sure that the board is up to date before and after the match. See the board setup instructions to do so. Any discrepancies to the outcome of the game must be reported to the league president and clearly marked on the dart envelope.

  19. All sponsor fees are due to the league by the 2nd week of play. The sponsor fees are $50 per team.