2024-2025 Season

- 2024-2025 Divisions
Division A
The Pub
Bowling Alley
American Legion 1
Fritz 1Division B
Gallaghers 4
Game On 1
Gallagher 1
Fritz 2
Game On 2Division C
Suzys 1
Gallaghers 3
Roadhouse 52
Symerton 1
Gallaghers 2Division D
Suzy’s 2 Dart Devils
American Legion 3
Brian’s Place
Copelands Rt 50
The One Hitters - Missing Fees
Please see the below list of uncollected Bar Fees and Weekly Envelopes as of this week.
Bar Fees
American Legion
Bowling Alley
Roadhouse 52
Brian’s PlaceWeekly Envelopes
10/29 Symerton Tap vs Game On 1
11/12 Symerton Tap American Legion
11/12 One Hitters Fritz 1 - Week 5 Updates!
The league average starting week 5 is 17.9. If you enter a new person in the board be sure to put their first AND last name.
Save the date! The mid-season tournament will be on January 18th at the American Legion in Peotone.
Reminders: If you are playing Symerton 2, it is a bye week. Roadhouse 52 matches are at Fritz’s until further notice.
Please remember to get your bar fees in ASAP!
- Start of 2024 Season!
Welcome back, we hope you have reviewed the schedule. There is one update to that. Unfortunately the Symerton 2 team will not be participating this year. All games listed as throwing against Symerton 2 will count as a “BYE” week for your team.
The league is loaded on the boards. Please verify before 10/22 that your board has the league loaded on it. For example there are only 2 Game On teams this year. If Game On 3 & 4 are listed, the boards have not been updated. Contact Todd or Sean if your board does not appear to have been updated.
Roadhouse 52 will be playing at Fritz’s until further notice! If the schedule reads as your team throwing at Roadhouse 52 you will be at Fritz’ Saloon in Manhattan. We will let you know as more information becomes available.
The league average for week 1 is 17.5. If someone played last year (or an average in the board is incorrect) you may update it. Everyone will start with their average from last season. If it isn’t correct or because a player changed teams, their average should be on the ‘standings’ tab of the website for week 1 play.
Make sure the bar fee is included in the league envelope. Checks may be written out to “Uncle Brewski’s Dart League.”
The weekly league fee is $5 this year. That means that there will be very little handed back at the end of the season. The envelope will be turned in each week with $48. Gallaghers envelopes will be $42.
**Divisons are still to be determined. We plan on having divisions set by week 4.**
- Schedule Update!
The schedule link is updated at the top of the page. The start date is October 22. There will be a few more updates in the next few days.